Uncovering refund and return fraud: help to protect your business
As online shopping has skyrocketed and competition for consumer loyalty and happiness has intensified, companies have responded by developing more accommodating and user-friendly return and refund policies. A fresh wave of fraud has resulted from thieves taking advantage of unprepared personnel. The National Retail Federation estimates that retail refund fraud will cost $22.8 billion in 2022 in the United States alone. Other countries like European countries are involved in this been scam on a daily we are here to help them recover their funds by taking details of the scam victimes who potray the act.
Apply for a payment plan

Check your refund
If you e-file your return, you can usually see your refund status after about 48 hours with Where's My Refund? You can get your refund information for the current year and past 2 years.
Paper check
We'll mail your check to the address on your return.
Train staff well and continuously
Make sure that protocols are followed so that all employees are aware of what to do before completing a return or refund. It's also crucial to regularly train employees to spot new types of return or refund fraud. Give your employees the skills and resources they need to identify and stop fraud, and motivate them to report any suspicious conduct right away.
How you know you owe a penalty
We give you a letter or notice when we impose a penalty. You will learn about the penalty, the charge's justification, and your next steps from the notification or letter. Make sure the details in your letter or notice are accurate. A penalty might not be imposed if the problem can be fixed in your notice or letter.

Check our top clients & partners
Check your refund Information is updated once a day, overnight. What you need Your Social Security or individual taxpayer ID number (ITIN) Your filing status The exact refund amount on your return.
Peter Bowman
Creative Director